Chiller Service


The purpose of chillers, whether they’re industrial or HVAC, is to move heat from one location and transport it to another place to chill. Chillers tend to use either water or another type of liquid to process it through the piece of equipment they’re trying to chill. The pumping mechanism in chillers process the water or glycol solution and transfers it to a pumping system to cool the area desired.

Chillers serve to cool a variety of products, not just HVAC units. They’re used to chill products, machinery, water chillers, injection moulding, food and beverage industry, and many others.


When a damaged chiller claims lands on your desk, you need to be ready for the complexities that come with it. These systems are often intricate and specialized based on the space or equipment they’re cooling, meaning they present their own challenges to insurance adjusters like you. If you’re not familiar with this complicated cooling equipment and you’re working on a claim that includes one, you’ll want to know the basics.


Regular chiller maintenance is necessary to keep your system running efficiently—but it can also result in significant cost savings for your business. Though the nature of maintenance will vary depending on the types of chillers your building has and the season, a service visit will often include:

  • Test, Operation
  • Efficiency, Refrigerant Charge
  • Safeties and Controls, Laboratory Oil Analysis
  • Vibration, Eddy Current
  • Inspect, For Refrigerant Leaks
  • Electrical Connections, Oil Levels
  • Contactors, Tune-Up
  • Oil and Filters Assessed,
  • Moving Parts Evaluated
  • External Surfaces Cleaned

Keep in mind that these are just some of the maintenance tasks we perform on commercial and industrial chillers. Our technicians will check many more components to ensure the most efficient operation and keep your unit running at peak performance. This visit will also give us the opportunity to identify any issues requiring repairs and make recommendations as to the best course of action if there is a problem.


If our maintenance staff does notice an issue requiring repair during your routine maintenance visit or you notice a problem during day-to-day operation, we can provide you with the chiller repair service you need. We offer economical solutions to chiller issues for our commercial and industrial clients, including 24/7 emergency service. Our goal is to help you minimize your company’s downtime with our efficient and effective chiller repair services.

We know that any chiller downtime can cost a company thousands of dollars in revenue! Contact us for Chiller Service.